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 "Don't think smart -- think Savvy"
The best quality sound for quality prices.



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Recording Services

Flat fare
    This package deal is best for those who don't have any music or lyrics.  It includes an original track with music and lyrics, additionally you get 6  hours of recording time to use however you want to.  Not only that, but we will do all the editing for you.  So just bring your voice or instrument, record, and leave the rest up to us.

   $50 - Deposit for creation of original music and lyrics.
$150 - Six hours studio time split into intervals of your convenience. ($25/hour)
$200 - Total

Rapper's Delight
We know how hard it can be to find the best original beats in the business for the best prices.  At savvy productions, you get a wide variety of original beats created specifically to what you like.  We work tirelessly to find every groove, sound, and feel you're looking for.  Again, just come in, rhyme, and leave the rest up to us.

   $50 - Deposit for creation of original music.
$100 - Four hours studio time. ($25/hour)
$150 - Total

    In short, bring your own music package.  Designed for those with a band or prerecorded music tracks ( e.g. Synths, Keyboards, CD's). This is the only recording package that is on a per hour basis. Feel free to consult our staff during the recording process and let us know what you need.

$35/hour - flat rate

Contact us to find out which package is best for you!

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Send mail to webmaster@savvyrecordings.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2004 Savvy Productions